Soil Water Energy
Rather than thinking of tension or suction, we can also think of water as being held by the
soil particles in terms of energy. This is an important consideration because if we want to understand
how water moves in soils we know that it will move from regions of high to regions of low energy.
There are three forces which contribute to the energy state of soil water:
Gravitational water has a positive energy and can flow out of the soil through the large pores. Osmotic potential is
due to the attraction that salts have for water through the phenomenon of osmosis. This energy is negativerelative to free water.
Finally, the potential energy of water attracted to soil solids is called the Matric potential. It too is negative.
In an unsaturated soil, matric potential results from the capillarity and adhesion forces. Plants must overcome
the energy of matric potential to extract water from the soil. How do we know how much water is available in a soil?
For every soil there is a different distribution of pores of various sizes. Also we have different salt contents and
separates. All of these factors will determine the energy at which the water is held.
Most importantly, is the energy changes as the soil dries out because the plant can exert only so much suction.
All of these properties are reflected in the soils moisture retention curve.
Note the typical S-shaped curve with the log axis for matric potential. There are two important points on the curve:
- Field Capacity - approximately -30kPa (in reality varies 5-40kPa). The matric potential of the soil one to three days after a heavy rainfall when all gravitational water
has moved downwards.
- Permanent Wilting Point - approximately -1500 kPa for most crops. The matric potential at which the plant can
no longer remove water and permanently wilts. In reality many plants wilt in the daytime but recover at night
when not actively transpiring. Even at this potential many xerophytic plants can still extract water.
- Available water - is the amount of water held by the soil at potentials between the field capacity and permanent wilting point.
Available Water Capacities
A major soil characteristic that affects available water is soil texture as seen in the following table:
Soil moisture content at Field Capacity and Permanent Wilting Point for soils of different textures
Field Capacity (% vol)
Perm. Wilting Point (% vol)
Crop Available Water (% vol)
Sandy Loam
Heavy Clay
Clays have more pore space and finer pores than sands and can hold much more available water.
Profile Moisture
Soil water holding characteristics are important for dry land farming, selection of the correct
irrigation system, irrigation scheduling, crop selection, and ground water
quality. Knowing the soil water content in the crop's root zone and available water holding capacity
are essential to apply irrigation water.
Since soil can hold only so much water, excess or gravitation water moves out of the
crop root zone toward the groundwater table. Any dissolved nutrients or chemicals move
with the water and can eventually end up polluting the ground water.
How do you calculate the available water in a soil profile
i.e. the available water to certain depth say 120 cm (4 feet)?.
The concept of inches of water per foot of soil depth (cm water per 30 cm soil depth) is used.
Available soil moisture at field capacity moisture content
Soil Texture
Available Water
(in water per foot soil)
Available Water
(cm water per 30 cm soil)
Coarse (Sand)
Medium (Loam)
Fine (Clay)
A sandy soil at field capacity moisture content would hold 1 inch of water per foot of soil or
4 inches (10cm) if the soil was wet to a depth of four feet. If the farmer checks his soil with a probe
in springtime when the soil has thawed and sees that the soil is only wet to a depth of three feet -- there
would be only 3 inches (7.5 cm) of available water.
Water use efficiency
How much water do you require to produce a crop?
Water use efficiency (WUE) = kg grain per hectare per cm of water
In Saskatchewan you need at least 12.5 cm available water (spring moisture plus growing season precipitation) to produce ANY grain.
If there is 2.5 cm water above the threshold value of 12.5 cm you can expect about 200 kg grain. Continued additions
of water result in less and less gains until no yield increases are observed (about 3000 kg/ha).
Overall WUE for wheat is about 90 kg/ha/cm; for barley WUE is 100-120; oilseeds 40-60 kg/ha/cm.