HOMEPAGE Facts & Figs...

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Use this table to convert from units commonly used in Canada and the U.S.A. to the internationally recognized SI Units.
Unit Multiply by SI Unit
inch 2.54 centimetres(cm)(10-2m)
foot 0.304 metre, m
mile 1.609 kilometre, km(103 m)
micron, 1.0 micrometre, m(10-6m)
Angstrom unit 0.1 nanometre, nm(10-9m)
acre 4840 yards2
acre 0.4047 hectare, ha(104m2)
section (640 ac) 2.59 km,2
township (36 sections) 9324 ha
square foot 9.29*10-2 square metre, m2
square inch 645 square millimetre, mm2
square mile 2.59 square kilometre, km2
bushel 35.24 litre, L
cubic foot 2.83*10-2 cubic metre, m3
cubic inch 1.64*10-5 cubic metre, m3
gallon (Can.) 4.73 litre, L
gallon (U.S.) 3.78 litre, L
quart (Can) 1.18 litre, L
pint (Can) 0.591 litre, L
acre-foot 12.33 hectare-centimetre, ha-cm
acre-inch 1.03*10-2 hectare-metres, ha-m
ounce (fluid) 2.96*10-2 litre, L
ounce (avdp) 28.4 gram
pound 0.454 kilogram, kg(103g)
hundred weight (cwt) 100 pounds 45.3549 kg
ton (2000 lb) 0.907 megagram, Mg(106g)
tonne (metric) 1000 kilogram, kg
curie, Ci 3.7*1010 becquerel, Bq
picocurie per gram 37 becquerel per kilogram, Bq kg-1
bushel per acre (60 lb) 67.19 kilogram per ha, kg ha-1
bushel per acre (56 lb) 62.71 kilogram per ha, kg ha-1
bushel per acre (48 lb) 53.75 kilogram per ha, kg ha-1
gallon per acre (Can) 11.69 litre per hectare, L ha-1
ton (2000 lb) per acre 2.24 megagram per hectare, Mg ha-1
Bushel Equivalents
Wheat 36.744 tonne
Oats 64.842 tonne
Barley 45.930 tonne
Rye 39.368tonne
Flaxseed 39.368 tonne
Canola/Mustard 44.092 tonne
Peas 36.744tonne
miles per hour 0.447 metre per second, m s-1
gallon per minute (Can.) 0.284 cubic metre per hour, m3 h-1
gallon per minute (U.S.) 0.227 cubic metre per hour, m3 h-1
cubic feet per second 101.9 cubic metre per hour, m3 h-1
atmosphere 0.101 megapascal, MPa(106 Pa)
bar 0.1 megapascal, MPa
pound per square foot 47.9 pascal, Pa
pound per square inch 6.9*103 pascal, Pa
degrees Fahrenheit (¡F-32) 0.556 degrees, ¡C
degrees Celsius (¡C+273) 1 Kelvin, K
British Thermal Unit 1.05*103 joule, J
calorie 4.19 joule, J
dyne 10-5 newton, N
erg 10-7 joule, J
foot-pound 1.36 joule, J
percent (%) 10 gram per kilogram g kg-1
part per million 1 milligram per kilogram, mg kg-1
milliequivalents per 100 grams 1 centimole per kilogram, cmol kg-1
Special Chemical Equivalents
2 meq K+ per 100 g 2 mmol (K+).kg-1 soil
2 meq Ca++ per 100 g 2 mmol (1/2Ca++).kg-1 soil
2 meqAl+++ per 100 g 2 mmol (1/3Al+++).kg-1 soil
CEC of 12 meq per 100g soil CEC of 120 mmols (+).kg-1 soil
0.2 M HCl 0.2 mol.L-1
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