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Heavy Metals
Industrial Toxins
Oxygen Depletion

Name of Problem Probable Cause Appearance Species of Fish Affected More Info
Heavy metal toxicity contamination of waterways by improperly treated industrial waste fish in poor condition (long and thin for their age); skeletal deformities, gill and fin abnormalities; tumours all species
Insecticides accidental or intentional release of insecticides into water death (high exposure); other diseases due to inadequate nutrition from affected food chain (lower exposure) all fish
Industrial toxins release of improperly treated industrial waste into waterways varied effects; eye problems, affected fingerlings, poor reproduction and poor survival of stocked fish; mortality any fish
Oxygen depletion; summer kill or winter kill lack of oxygen in water dead fish usually have open mouths and flared, pale gills with no other signs of disease or trauma all fish; carp and warm water species may be able to survive during low levels of oxygen

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