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Fort Qu' Appelle Station
Operation of Station
Distribution of Stock

Saskatchewan's fisheries sector makes a major contribution to the provincial economy. Roughly 230,000 anglers fish in Saskatchewan annually. There are over 3000 jobs in the commercial and sport fishing industries directly dependent on the fish resource.

The fish resource is renewable. If it is carefully managed, it can be a lasting source of revenue, jobs and recreation opportunities for the province. Management of this resource is the key to its survival for there are many factors contributing to the reduction of fish stocks in Saskatchewan waters:

  • the number of recreational anglers is increasing
  • recreational fishermen compete with commercial fishermen for the same fish source
  • traditional resource users must compete with both recreational and commercial users
  • assorted land use practices may damage or destroy habitat
  • discharge of pollutants may result in fish unsuitable for consumption
  • natural factors such as winterkill, failure of natural reproduction and disease contribute to decrease in population size

Saskatchewan Fisheries Policy

In 1983, the Saskatchewan Fisheries Policy came into existence to address the problems of the fish resource. The main goals of the policy are to:

  • maintain and enhance a sustainable supply of fish
  • satisfy the various user groups by ensuring an adequate supply and variety of fish
  • maximize the contribution of fisheries sector to the provincial economy

The overall objective of the policy is to develop the fisheries resource to its fullest potential in a manner which will ensure the long-term viability of the resource base.

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