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Angling in Saskatchewan can be done in one of three zones. The province is divided into the northern zone (roughly north of 56o), the central zone (directly south of the northern zone and north of highway #55), and the southern zone (south of highway #55). Each zone is open for angling for a specified season; the southern zone is generally open a few weeks longer than the northern zone. In addition to season date differences, some limits for certain fish may apply in each area.

Generally, anglers may catch the limit of each fish species on a single day. At any time, the possession limit is no more than the limit for each species. This limit includes the fish you have while fishing, at camp, during transportation and at home. In addition to limits in numbers of fish, there are limits to the size of your catch. For example, if you are allowed to catch 2 arctic grayling, only one may exceed 35 cm and out of 5 walleye, only one may exceed 55 cm. The Saskatchewan Angler's Guide, published each year, outlines these dates and limits.

Fishing Camps and Tours in Saskatchewan

Several excellent fishing camps operate in Saskatchewan for some of the best fishing you might ever experience (on the prairies). There are many great fishing spots including the ones listed here.

Some great fishing lakes are only accessible by float plane. Here is one example you can check out on the Internet:

Cree Lake Lodge

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