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Policy Objectives
Productive Forests

Forest Policy Objectives

Saskatchewan's forest policies are being rewritten through the development of an Integrated Forest Resource Management Plan. The province, with the help of the Canadian Forest Service, has established a new plan, using a process of public consultation.

As a result, a renewed vision of Saskatchewan's forests has evolved:

"This province's forests will be maintained in a healthy, natural state, and forest management will recognize both the capacity and the limitations of the land to support and renew its timber and non-timber resources. Sustainable use of these resources will contribute to the prosperity of Saskatchewan residents, now and in the future. An informed public will take an active role in long-term planning for the use of all forest resources. A spirit of cooperation will prevail, as we seek to find solutions to our common problems."

Forest management principles that are based on the National Forest Strategy and the wishes of the people of Saskatchewan, are the basis of the new forest policy for the province.

Forest Management Ensures Productive Forests

In Saskatchewan, forest management is largely the responsibility of the forest companies and the provincial government. Provincial forest management activities are carried out by the silviculture unit of Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management. These management activities include regeneration surveys, site preparation, tree planting and plantation assessment.

The province is also involved in a variety of intensive silvicultural activities, including stand tending. This work involves weeding, cleaning, releasing and spacing of young stands. Treatments are designed to improve the productivity of the forest stand as well as to enhance the viability of other forest resources such as wildlife habitat. Foresters visit the stand several times during a forest rotation to achieve the desired results.

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