HOMEPAGE Quicklinks...
Explorer 4.0+
Netscape 4.0+
Quicktime 3.0 QTVR
Requirements Banner
This site has been optimized for viewing through the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0+ or Netscape 4.0+ browser. Most of the features, however, will work with the Netscape 3.0x Do NOT use Microsoft Internet Explorer vs 3.0 - this will give javascript errors on some pages and the navigation buttons will not function correctly. Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 seems to work faster than Netscape 4.0 on the Mac when accessing local CD files. Those of you with multimedia capable machines will require the Apple QuickTime VR 3 plug-in to access all of the various forms of media available. The images are in millions of colors, some sound and video files are in stereo, and the QuickTime Virtual Reality (QTVR) digital panoramas are well worth the effort to install this plug-in. There are over 8000 files of various media types contained in this project.

Since the CD is cut in the ISO 9660 format for cross-platform delivery, we can not control the font size. The PC and Mac browsers set default fonts differently. We suggest that you set up your browser preferences:

  • PC users your proportional font is Times Roman, fontsize 10 point (smaller)
  • Mac users your proportional font is Times Roman fontsize 14 point (large)
  • See User Guide for more information.

Set computer display to millions of colours (under control panels).

Configure your system correctly and enjoy.

The CD-ROM contains the installer for both Microsoft Internet Explorer vs 4.01 and Quicktime 3.02. The latest versions of the browseres can be found at the following websites.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x Browser


Netscape Browser



QuickTime 3


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