Forts and the N.W.M.P.

On June 1, 1873, a party of American and Canadian wolf hunters, searching for stolen horses, attacked a large Assiniboine camp. This incident, known as the Cypress Hills Massacre, hastened the recruitment and despatch to the Territories of the North West Mounted Police, whose officers arrested three of the alleged murderers and tried to secure the extradition of seven others. Although no convictions resulted, the efforts of the police convinced the Indians of the impartiality of the force. Settlement of the west was made possible by the bravery and dedication of the North West Mounted Police.
Settlers Stories

The benefits of modern technology and social programs are enjoyed by millions of people around the world. Who has been responsible for Saskatchewan's contributions to building a better world for us to live in?
Travel By Trails

Before the arrival of the whiteman, horses and modern transportation systems, travelling across the prairies was done along nature's super highways (rivers) or slowly overland on well-worn paths. But, how did the aboriginals, explorers and others travel during winter when snow covered the land?