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Few people can resist Saskatchewan's "Call of the Wild".

Our fields, meadows, forests and streams deliver wildlife spectaculars to visitors year after year. And you can be part of that flock.

Explore a coulee at daybreak and have a chance encounter with a white-tailed deer.

Train your binoculars on whistling swans and white pelicans. Attend a sage grouse dance in the Cypress Hills.

Watch thousands of the waterfowl clan gather at Galloway Bay, or, stalk big game like moose and black bear in northern forests.

Saskatchewan has many places to spot wildlife, from back country roads in the southwest, where antelope and bounding mule deer can be seen, to areas with full interpretation, like Redberry Lake and Prince Albert National Park.

Last Mountain Lake is home to North America's first bird sanctuary and a frequent stop-over for rare whooping cranes.

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