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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Water Bomber

GPS: 55d 09.09m N 105d 15.98m W 1253 feet
Location: La Ronge Airport.

GPS: 55d 09.09m N, 105d 15.98m W, 1253 feet
14 August 96, 3:10 pm, Fuji Velvia 50, F11 1/60s

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The red chemical on the runway is a fire retardant
which is pumped into the water bombers.

Some of these planes are actually World War II bombers which were used in combat against the Germans. Today their payload is water and fire retardant chemicals used to fight the enemy of the forest and wildlife -- fires.

GPS: 55d 08.56m N, 105d 16.28m W, 1132 feet
14 August 96, 2:45 pm, Fuji Velvia 50, F8 1/4s

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