The Animal Industry
Just how many animals are in Saskatchewan and Canada, and what do we do with all of them? How have we improved production since the time of our grandparents, and what will we be doing in the future?
Imports, exports and farm gate sales all affect the price of any animal product. How and to whom do producers sell their products? Is there always someone wanting to buy?
Animal Management
How do you keep track of your herd? Just what do you feed a pig, and how do you milk a cow? There are many important steps in raising a newborn animal to a mature and productive adult. Ensuring a nice place to sleep is not the only thing they need.
Animal production is not simply raising animals for meat and eggs. Breeding stock, commercial animals and specialty products are also produced. Find out about the different stages of animal production in this link.
Did you know there is only one major turkey breed in North America? Did you know crossbred animal offspring are usually superior to both of the parents? Find out about all the Saskatchewan animal breeds here.
Glossary and Terms
From abiotic, referring to the absence of living organisms, to zymogenous, subsisting on easily decomposable organics, if you need to look up an unfamiliar agriculture term or phrase, look in the glossary.