Alternative Crops

Alternative crops, or crops that are considered to be different from crops regarded as traditional agricultural crops, are becoming increasingly important in the province as a means to diversify cropping systems and farm income.

There has been a significant increase in the production of these crops as some Saskatchewan producers choose to grow crops such as canary seed and mustard. These enterprises, and others, are becoming a large and important part of the agricultural economy.

Some of these crops can be used to improve the health of the soil by replacing organic content and nutrients that are taken from the soil during production.

For example, pulse crops such as lentils, field peas and fababeans, are in a family of plants that can add nitrogen to the soil. Nitrogen is necessary for healthy plant growth. Pulse crops have the ability to first capture nitrogen in soil and air and then convert it into a form that can be used by the crop.

Other alternative crops include sunflower, safflower, buckwheat, triticale and grain corn.

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