Berry Production and Market Gardens

Berry production has increased significantly in the last ten years. Farmers have become involved in growing crops such as strawberries and saskatoon berries as a means of diversifying farm income.

New varieties of saskatoon berries have been developed that grow well domestically and that produce larger, more abundant fruit. Raspberries and strawberries are also grown for commercial markets. Other types of berries being harvested and marketed include wild pincherries, currants, blueberries and low bush cranberries.

Berry picking for individual use has always been part of the prairie and northern lifestyle. The new ventures in northern Saskatchewan to pick, collect and market the blueberries and low bush cranberries growing there are providing opportunities for more economic independence for Saskatchewan Indian and Metis peoples.

Through the efforts of innovative producers, backed by research and investigation, some of these crops and some of the alternative crops have recently been added to the list of Saskatchewan farm products, like raspberries.

Saskatchewan has many market gardens that grow a wide variety of vegetables. These gardens are usually situated near urban areas for easy access to markets.

Research into the feasibility of growing vegetables and fruit in northern Saskatchewan for resale is being conducted. Market gardens often use irrigation to increase crop yield.

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