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Fisheries Quicklinks...

Quiz Format
Fish Information Quiz
Habitat Quiz
Commercial Fisheries Quiz
Sport Fishing Quiz

Fisheries Quizzes...
Quiz Banner
Access the following quizzes.
Quiz Format

These quizzes follow a similar format. To become familiar with the way they are arranged, check out this page.

Fish Information Quiz

Fish Types

What is the difference between a pickeral and a pike? Read the section about fish types and then try this quiz.

Fish Habitat Quiz


See if you can identify the requirements of a good fish habitat. Be careful, some fish aren't too particular!

Commercial Fisheries Quiz

Commercial Fisheries

Check here for a quiz on the commercial fishing in Saskatchewan.

Sport Fishing Quiz

Sport Fishing

You may have already tried the quizzes inside the main section on sport fishing so try this culminating quiz. By now, you should be an expert....

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