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Sport Fishing Quiz

Sport Fishing

Directions: Read the statement and choose the most appropriate response. You may click the helpful hints button at any time. Good luck!

1. Saskatchewan sport fishing regulations are ***.

a. set as guidelines for anglers only
b. enforceable by law
c. apply to all types of fishing in Saskatchewan
d. are set by the Fisheries Act of Canada

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2. Transporting fish you have caught is regulated by Saskatchewan Fisheries. The species of fish must be readily identifiable. This may be achieved by ***.

a. filleting the fish, then labelling the package with the species name
b. leaving a fairly large identifiable portion of the skin from the side or back of the fish intact on the fillet
c. block freezing the fish at the site where caught
d. saving a portion of skin and scales from the fillets

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3. There is a limit to the number of lines allowed in the water while sport fishing. No more than two lines are allowed while ***.

a. open season fishing
b. ice fishing
c. spear and line fishing
d. fishing from a boat

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4. Improvement projects such as mini-hatcheries, educational activities for youth, assessment of appropriate waterbodies, habitat improvement are all example of projects which may have received part of their funding from *** .

a. the sale of sport fishing gear
b. taxes placed on the sale of boating licences
c. government sport fishing grants
d. the sale of fishing licences

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5. A fishing licence to sport fish is not required ***.

a. senior citizens
b. those under the age of 16 years taking sturgeon
c. non-treaty Indians
d. those under the age of 16 years unless taking sturgeon

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6. The best time to catch a predator fish, like a pike or walleye, would be ***.

a. at dusk, when schools of smaller fish start to break apart
b. during midday, when prey moves into shallow, protected waters
c. anytime, since lures may look like prey to the predator
d. dependant on the amount of vegetation available

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7. The number of fish that live in Saskatchewan waters is decreasing due to a number of factors. These factors include destruction of fish habitat, poor land practises, overfishing and ***.

a. an increase in predator species such as bears
b. long, cold winters with extra precipitation
c. higher than normal water levels from flooding
d. none of the above

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8. Brood stock used in fish culture stations are ***.

a. fish from which eggs and milt are obtained
b. fish which are grown from the eyed egg stage to fingerling for distribution in lakes and other waterbodies
c. introduced, non-native species, such as tiger trout
d. fertilized eggs

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9. Stock from the Fort Qu'Appelle Fish Culture Station are distributed to lakes and waterways throughout Saskatchewan. The amount of fish delivered to a waterway depends upon the ***.

a. distance that the stock fish must travel
b. carrying capacity of the waterbody
c. number of adult predator fish already present
d. all of the above

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10. Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, Fisheries Branch, conducts a survey of sport fishing in Saskatchewan *** in order to provide a better understanding of fisheries in the province.

a. every five years
b. at the end of each fishing season
c. as the need arises
d. every two years

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