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Saskatchewan Fisheries Regulations Quiz

So, you want to go fishing. Did you know that sport fishing in Saskatchewan is regulated by the Saskatchewan Fisheries Regulations under The Fisheries Act (Saskatchewan)? See if you are aware of some of the fishing laws of this province. Just read each statement and decide if is legal or illegal.

  1. Anglers under 16 require a licence only if they retain sturgeon.

    Yes         No

  2. Treaty Indians do not require a licence to sport fish.

    Yes         No

  3. All waters in Saskatchewan may be fished at any time, providing you possess a valid licence.

    Yes       No

  4. Fish taken for a shore lunch are to be included in the daily catch limit.

    Yes         No

  5. Fishing with more than one line during open season is not allowed, however, fishing with two lines is allowed while ice fishing.

    Yes         No

  6. Anyone can fish for game fish with a bow and arrow, providing you obtain a special licence.

    Yes         No

  7. Live fish may be used as bait.

    Yes         No

  8. Fish taken by angling may be transported only if packaged in such a way as to identify the number of fish and their species.

    Yes        No

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