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There are three legally recognized methods of sportfishing; hook and line, bow and arrow, and underwater spear. Bow fishing is permitted year-round in Saskatchewan waters by anyone possessing a valid Saskatchewan angling licence (but not in provincial and regional parks or in provincial recreation sites). Underwater spear fishing is permitted in Saskatchewan waters by anyone possessing a valid Saskatchewan angling licence. Bow fishing is only permitted for carp and suckers. It is illegal to fish for gamefish with a bow and arrow. Species limits for spear fishing are the same as for hook and line angling. Fish taken by bow or spear cannot be released.

Each fishing method has its own set of rules which must be obeyed. For example, in bow and arrow fishing, fish arrows must be tethered to the bow or the archer with a line of sufficient strength to retrieve impaled fish. For underwater spear fishing, the diver must be submerged and swimming in the water. Check with the Saskatchewan Angler's Guide for more detailed information.

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