Sport Fishing Survey

The Sport of Fishing

Imagine fishing in a place where you must pay to go fishing; that is, you pay to fish in a private stream by paying a rod fee (from $50 - $80) for a day of fishing. You are not allowed to keep any of the fish you catch so you must be selective in the lure used and try to match what the fish in the stream are feeding on as they have become very selective. One other thing, you must book the trip to the stream at least 2 to 3 years in advance. Now, imagine this is a place in Saskatchewan. If you have trouble with this image, it is because Saskatchewan is full of lakes, rivers and streams and is a relatively unpopulated angler's dream. You need only obtain a fishing license for the fishing season and away you go. The imaginary place does exist in other parts of the world. The fish resource may be one that many people of Saskatchewan and elsewhere take for granted. Our province does provide some of the best waters in which to catch that prized finned-species. The province's fishery is managed by the provincial government and programs are in effect to help replenish and maintain this valuable resource.

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