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Needs of a Forest Biome


1. Your task is to prepare a report of the needs of a forest biome. To begin, try to answer the these questions:

  • What do all living things need to survive?

  • How long could you live without water? How long could a tree live?

  • Could humans live without plants and animals?

  • How do plants and animals contribute to human life, and vice versa?

2. In a small group or on your own, read through the information on Biosphere II.

  • Imagine you are part of a team of scientists responsible for deciding what to include in a forest biome (e.g., a boreal forest biome).

  • Brainstorm to come up with a list of everything you would need to include in your biome.

  • What would be critical to your survival and the survival of the biome?

  • What would be nice to have but not essential? Consider the types of food and animals, the climate, water, shelter, and soil that would inhabit the biome.

  • Imagine you are a biospherian scientist and prepare the report that includes what you consider essential for life in your biome and present your findings to the rest of the class.

  • Note the similarities and differences in the lists of essential items and discuss these with the whole class. Can a consensus be reached on what is considered essential?


  1. Design, sketch, or make models of your biome within the biosphere.

  2. Devise forms that will record the habitat needs of several of the species of your choice that would be in Biosphere II (e.g., humans, carp, a tropical rain forest tree).

Meet the challenge! Create ways to demonstrate how these species interact (e.g., chain-link diagrams).

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