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Activity Format
Ordering Seedlings
Environmental Ethics
Identification Guides

Activity Format - Each activity may consist of the following:

  • Objective - A statement of the learning outcome anticipated by doing the activity.

  • Materials - Everything needed to conduct the activity.

  • Background Information - Additional information, specific to the activity.

  • Activity - The steps and procedures for conducting the activity.

  • Extensions - Suggested variations or additional activities to expand upon the learning.

  • Evaluation - Suggestions for students to apply their new knowledge, skills or attitudes and to relate the subject of the lesson to broader issues.

  • Resources - Most activities list additional sources of information applicable to the activity.

  • Lesson Information - may include:

    1. Grade Level: the levels recommended as appropriate for the activity ó some activities can be adapted for higher or lower levels

    2. Subject: some suggested academic subjects that correspond to the activity

    3. Curriculum Correlation: learning opportunities within Saskatchewan curricula

    4. CELs: Common Essential Learnings addressed by the activity

    5. Duration: suggested time for doing the activities

    6. Group Size: individuals, pairs, small groups, or whole class

    7. Setting: indoors/outdoors

    8. Vocabulary: key words used in an activity

Special Teaching Notes

  1. How to Order Seedlings:

    The following organizations provide seedlings and/or information on planning, planting and maintenance of trees:

    • TREEmendous Saskatchewan is a nonprofit foundation established to encourage individuals, groups and businesses to show their concern for the environment by participating in a variety of tree planting activities.

    Seedlings may be obtained free of charge by ordering through:

    • TREEmendous Saskatchewan
      c/o Saskatchewan Forestry Association
      Box 400
      Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
      S6V 5R7 or Phone: 76-EARTH (763-2784)

    • The Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) provides seedlings for projects on public property where there are no access restrictions (i.e. school grounds, parks). Orders for seedlings are accepted from June 1 to February 15, on a first come, first serve basis. Seedlings are free of charge with a nominal shipping charge. For further information, contact:

    • Distribution and Development PFRA Shelterbelt Centre, Indian Head, Saskatchewan SOG 2K0 Phone: 695-2284

    Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, Forestry Branch, also provides seedlings free of charge for projects on public property through the Tree Nursery in Prince Albert. For further information on species available for your area, contact:

    • Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management Forestry Branch Box 3003, Central Avenue Prince Albert, Saskatchewan S6V 6G 1

  2. Environmental Ethics

    Encourage students to develop an ethic of respect for nature. On forest walks, point out the vast variety of life that exists in the forest community. Keep to trails or paths and urge students to respect all wildlife, not to litter, and not to abuse any living trees or other plants.

  3. Identification Guides

    Many activities call for the use of a tree identification guide. Some recommended guides** are:

    Hosie, R. C. Native Trees of Canada. Don Mills: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1979.

    Petrides, G. A. A Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs. (The Peterson Field Guide Series) Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1968.

    Rollans, Glenn, ed. Plants of the Western Boreal Forest and Aspen Parkland. Lone Pine Publishing and the Canadian Forest Service.

    Zim, H. S., and Alexander, M. Trees. A Guide to Familiar American Trees. New York: Golden Press, 1956.

    Guide to Forest Understorey Vegetation Canada Saskatchewan Forest Resource Development Agreement Technical Bulletin No. 9/1980. Revised January 1989.

    * Adapted from Focus on Forests Saskatchewan; An Activity Guide on Forests and Forest Management; from Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, Natural Resources Canada, SaskPower

    **Please note that while some of the resource materials mentioned may be out of print, they are readily available from libraries.

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