Factors That Affect the Growth of Trees - Diagramming
1. Sketch the outlines of trees near your school or on a field
trip, including as many different forms as you can. Add labels
to your sketches to indicate the type of crown on each tree and
to identify the species. If you find any uprooted trees or trees
with roots exposed by erosion, note the form of the roots.
2. Which of the trees you have drawn has an advantage in the following
conditions? (explain your answer)
- heavy snowfall
- strong winds
- summer drought
- shaded location
Make models of trees using wooden rods for trunks and cardboard
cones, cylinders, cubes, and spheres to represent differently
shaped crowns.
- "Plant" the trees in soil to different depths and
subject them to wind stress using a hair drier or vacuum cleaner.
What is the effect of crown shape and depth planted on the model's
ability to stand up in wind?
- Use crushed soap flakes to simulate snow. Drop equal amounts
of "snow" directly onto each model from the same height
and observe the pattern of snow accumulation both on and beneath
the crown.