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Industry Quiz


Directions: Read the statement and choose the most appropriate response. You may click the helpful hints button at any time. Good luck!

1. The forests of Saskatchewan formed ***.

a. during the retreat of the glaciers
b. following the warming and drying of the land after the last ice age
c. prior to the formation of the lakes in the province
d. as glaciers retreated after the last ice age

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2. The harvesting of forests in Canada for industrial purposes began as a result of ***.

a. the collapse of the fur trade
b. Aboriginal groups seeking materials for shipbuilding
c. exploration of the Hudson Bay and its tributaries
d. the British army requiring supplies

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3. In the history of the forestry industry, lumberjacks were referred to as ***.

a. shantymen
b. artisans
c. journeymen
d. tradesmen

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4. In Saskatchewan, timber was allowed to be sold following the establishment of ***.

a. The Dominion Lands Act
b. The Saskatchewan Forestry Act
c. Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management
d. The Hudson Bay Trade Agreement

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5. Forests are used by the people of Saskatchewan and are important to one group in particular for cultural and spiritual being. This group also use the forests ***.

a. as sources of medicinal products
b. for recreation
c. for economic activities such as berry picking
d. all of the above

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6. One of the most versatile of all trees, valued for everything from its appearance and use as a shelterbelt species to traditional uses such as in canoe construction, is the ***.

a. trembling aspen
b. white elm
c. white birch
d. Manitoba maple

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7. A group of individuals wish to cut down trees in a common area for their use as Christmas trees and fence posts. They would most likely be operating under a ***.

a. forest management license agreement
b. timber permit
c. forest product field permit
d. term cutting agreement

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8. Sustained yield means ***.

a. the amount of annual growth of a forest is equal to or greater than the harvested amount
b. removing damaged trees to allow room for healthy trees to develop
c. harvesting enough trees to sustain the forestry industry
d. selective harvest of sustainable trees in a forest stand

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9. Aerial surveys of forested areas of Saskatchewan are completed each year for the main purpose of ***.

a. inventory analysis of the forests
b. establishing harvest volumes
c. identifying areas in need of reforestation
d. inspection by SPRC to ensure environmental concerns are dealt with appropriately

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10. A forest manager wishes to predict the long term effects of harvesting and growth rates of the managed forest. To do this effectively, he would most likely use ***.

a. satellite images of the area
b. aerial survey data
c. computer generated forest models
d. mechanical harvesters that record felled trees

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