Some Common Symptoms of Forest Ecosystem Decline
 Forest Tent Caterpillar damage
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Tree Growth-decreasing Symptoms:
yellowing and browning of needles and leaves
loss of feeder-roots, especially in conifers
decreased width of growth rings
premature death of older needles (in conifers)
increased susceptibility to disease
production of epiphytes, such as lichens and mosses on affected
death of affected trees.
Abnormal Tree Growth Symptoms:
- active shedding of needles and leaves while still green
- shedding of whole green shoots
- abnormal branching patterns - nests of many small
- greater than normal production of out-of-place shoots
- altered shape of leaves
- excessive seed and fruit production year after year
- very brittle branches
Tree Water-stress Symptoms:
- altered water balance
- diseases associated with wet wood
Biodiversity-decreasing Symptoms:
- decrease in bird and mammal species
- decrease in insect species
- decrease in soil organisms
- decrease in understory vegetation species