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Parts of a Tree
Trees & Aging
Naming Trees


What are Trees?

Did you know that these organisms are the main contibuters of oxygen to our atmosphere and cover over one-third of the earth's surface?

Tree Waterworks

Trees are magnificent structures, cabable of directing water and nutrients from the soil all the way to the tips of leaves. How does this take place?

Identifying and Comparing Trees

Want to know the name of that tree? Read on to find out how you can become an expert in tree identification.

Interpreting Trees

Find out how foresters can determine the history of a tree and its surrounding area by looking at just one piece of the tree.

Parts of a Tree

What are the main parts of a tree and how do these parts function to help keep a tree alive? Learn about the numerous specialized cells and tissues found in these large plants.

Tree Germination and Growth

That huge tree was once a tiny seed. How does this transformation happen and what conditions are necessary for optimum growth?

Trees and Aging

All living things begin life, grow, decline and eventually, die. Explore the conditions that affect a tree's life.

Naming Saskatchewan Trees

Try the dichotomous key to help you identify the native trees of Saskatchewan.

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