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Trees are the world's largest plants and cover approximately one-third of the earth's land surface. They often live for hundreds of years - and some live for thousands! The oldest living tree known is a 4600-year-old bristlecone pine growing in the White Mountains of California.

In Saskatchewan, there are over fifteen different kinds of native trees, ranging from the Manitoba maple, and bur oak in the south of the province, to the balsam fir, jack pine, and white birch of the boreal forest in the north. Trees are important to people because they are a visible sign of a healthy environment, and measurable proof that action is being taken to keep it healthy.

GPS: 56d 46.38m N, 108d 56.41m W, 1301 feet
06 July 96, 11:50 am, Fuji Velvia 50, F8 1/100s

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