Parts of a Tree - Leaves
Leaves are the food factories of the tree.
Powered by sunlight, the green substance in leaves called chlorophyll
uses carbon dioxide and water to produce carbohydrates.
This process is called photosynthesis . The word photosynthesis
comes from two Greek words: 'photos' meaning light
and 'synthesis' meaning putting together.
During photosynthesis, oxygen is released into the atmosphere
through tiny pores called stomata. Water is also released
from these pores in a process called transpiration. In
one day, a large tree will release enough water vapour to produce
1300 liters of water. This is enough to provide more than four
days worth of water for the average person. In this way,
trees act like giant air conditioners, cooling the air with water
vapour and expelling oxygen, which we need to breathe.
Did you know:
Forests play an important role in the
water cycle. They pull water out of the soil and return
it to the atmosphere as water vapour and they also store huge
amounts of water, both in the trees and soil surrounding the roots.
This helps to prevent flooding and in the spring, and reduces
soil erosion.