Mining Activity Guidelines - General Information

1. Organization of Lessons

1.1 Activity Format

Each activity may consist of the following:

  • Objective - A statement of the learning outcome anticipated by doing the activity.
  • Materials - Everything needed to conduct the activity.
  • Background Information - Additional information, specific to the activity.
  • Activity - The steps and procedures for conducting the activity.
  • Extensions - Suggested variations or additional activities to expand upon the learning.
  • Evaluation - Suggestions for students to apply their new knowledge, skills or attitudes and to relate the subject of the lesson to broader issues.
  • Resources - Most activities list additional sources of information applicable to the activity.
  • Lesson Information - may include:
  1. Grade Level: the levels recommended as appropriate for the activity ó some activities can be adapted for higher or lower levels
  2. Subject: some suggested academic subjects that correspond to the activity
  3. Curriculum Correlation: learning opportunities within Saskatchewan curricula
  4. CELs: Common Essential Learnings addressed by the activity
  5. Duration: suggested time for doing the activities
  6. Group Size: individuals, pairs, small groups, or whole class
  7. Setting: indoors/outdoors
  8. Vocabulary: key words used in an activity

2. Special Teaching Notes

2.1 Tours of Mine Operation:

The following organizations provide tours and/or information on mining in Saskatchewan:

  • Saskatchewan Energy and Mines (SEM)
    Communications Branch
    1914 Hamilton Street
    Regina, SK S4P 4V4
  • Saskatchewan Mining Association
    2002 Victoria Avenue
    Regina, SK

2.2 Environmental Ethics

Encourage students to develop an ethic of respect for nature on any field trip. Point out that the mining industry must follow strict regulations with regards to reclamation of the mine site before, during and after the mine is in operation.

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