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Activity Format
Mining Interview
Career Plan
Mine Field Trip
Uranium: Concept Map
Uranium: The Debate

Mining Activities... Mining Activity Banner

Activity Format

These mining activities follow a similar format. To become familiar with the way they are arranged, check out this page.

Careers in Mining

The Career Plan

Goals are a means of planning for the future. This activity allows you to plan, research possible employment in the mining industry, practice writing a resume and even make a job application.

Uranium and the Environment

The Concept Map

How are the terms uranium, water, trees and people related? Discover the relationships that exist between uranium mining and the environment.

Careers in Mining

The Interview

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work in the mining industry? Here is your chance to find out first hand what it is like by conducting an interview. Take along a tape recorder for the best results!

Mine Field Trip

Get ready for a unique experience - a trip to a mine. View from the outside (and inside...if there is one). Proper preparation can make this activity one worth trying!

Uranium and the Environment

The Debate

Uranium mining contributes substantially to our economy; but do you think we should use this uranium as an energy source? Read all the information then get started.

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