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Mining Activity - Careers

Activity #2: Career Plan

1. Your task is to choose one to three possible career choices in the mining industry that interest you. There may be other jobs not listed that you find interesting. Once you have chosen your career(s) of interest, you will research the career using the following guidelines, and write a summary report presenting the information.

  • title of job
  • education background
    • related area of study (example: scientific research, accounting, mechanics)
    • high school diploma required ? (if so, what classes are required)
    • technical school
    • post-secondary education
    • graduate studies
    • other
  • job description (in detail)
  • salary and benefits
  • professional development
  • advancement
  • terms of employment (temporary, seasonal, part-time, permanent, full-time)
  • location of job (travelling required, at mine site, at research facility, from corporate office etc.)
  • other

2. Once you have completed the summary, write a resume (real or imagined) in preparation for an application for employment in the mining industry.

3. Using the career section of the newspaper, look for any job opportunities in the mining industry, more specifically , in the area that you are interested in. Try various newspaper sources. Accessing Mining Canada on the Internet will enable you to see various advertisements for careers in mining.


  • Contact the educational institute which offers the training required for the desired job to find out more information regarding the program(s) you would need to take.
  • Call the appropriate mining company for information regarding job opportunities including summer student programs and on-site training.
  • Set-up a student career day at your school which highlights job opportunities in the mining industry.


1. Submit your resume to other students for editing. Try presenting the resume, with a covering letter, to someone in the mining industry for evaluation.

2. Submit your summary to your teacher for content; present to your class.

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