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Careers in The Mining Industry

What is your future? Do you have an idea of the career path you want to take? The mining industry offers a variety of possibilities, from those jobs that require university education to the job opportunities that require technical experience. Many mining companies may provide on-the-job training, upgrading and inservice workshops to further train their employees. Thousands of people are employed in exploration, actual mining, smelting and refining. Everyone working in the mining industry is responsible for the employment of at least six other persons in associated service industries and secondary manufacturing. The following table outlines some of the job opportunities in the mining industry.

Career Possibilities in the Mining Industry
  • accountants
  • purchasing agents
  • public affairs people
  • speech writers
  • photographers
  • in-house trainers
  • economists
  • financial investors
  • graphic artists
  • employee relations personnel
  • investment analysts
  • payroll clerks
  • mailroom/courier services
  • translators
  • marketing representatives
  • secretaries
  • receptionists
  • tax specialists
  • lawyers
  • advertising and promotion personnel
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