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Geologists study the composition, changes and history of the earth. Historical data and samples are studied to determine a likely area for the existence of an orebody. They spend time evaluating the data they have gathered. To pursue a career in geology, you must have a university degree in geology and enjoy studying complex data to discover new information.


Chemists work with complex equipment in the laboratories at the mine site (depending on the type of mine). For example, uranium mines hire chemists to analyze various substances to determine their chemical content. This analysis takes place during the exploration and production stages of uranium mining. Chemists usually have a university degree in chemistry. An interest in science in necessary.

Environmental Scientist

Environmental scientists advise about the effects of the various types of mining on the environment. They must provide solutions to problems related to the environment and safe, economic extraction of the ore. Assurance that the companies are adhering to all federal and provincial laws and regulations is the responsibility of environmental scientists employed by the mining companies. This job requires people who enjoy doing research , working with people and solving problems.

Radiation Protection Technicians (uranium mining)

These technicians on the mine sites develop and implement the programs to ensure radiation protection for employees. They provide opportunities to employees to become more aware of and understand the dangers of radiation and the protection required when working. People in these positions must have a university degree in biological sciences or health physics.

Environmental Samplers

The requirements of this job include taking samples of the environment. By taking water, air and soil samples, the worker aims at protecting the environment. Clean work habits and organized methods for sampling are necessary. Training is offered at the technical institute level.

Heavy Duty Repair Mechanics

Because of the use of large equipment and the isolation of some mines, these repair mechanics are of great importance to the efficient operation of the mine. They are responsible for the repair and maintenance of all the heavy duty equipment on the mine site. Training is offered at technical institutes, followed by a period of apprenticeship.

Metallurgical Samplers

Metallurgical samplers work at uranium mines, taking samples in the mill during various stages of the process. These samples are analyzed and used to monitor and control the process. Technical institutes offer training in these positions.

Mine Engineers

Mine engineers are responsible for the design of the mine using precise engineering methods and electronic devices. They are also responsible for future planning during mine development. Some of the activities they are involved in are surveying, drawing maps and keeping records of the mine site. These positions require training at the university level in mine engineering.

Diamond Driller

Operators of the large diamond drilling machines are required in exploration mine operations. Their job is to operate a drill which uses diamond tipped bits to bore holes which may be several thousand feet deep. The cores obtained show the nature of the rocks encountered. A good mechanical ability and knowledge of basic geology is necessary.

Borer Operator

The underground potash mines use boring machines to break the ore at the working face. The operator is a graduate of company training course with experience on other mining jobs, and has a basic knowledge of geology and is well trained in the principles of working safely.


The duties of the electrician is to keep in running order and repair when necessary a wide variety of electrical equipment in mine and refinery. Any extensions to the electrical system is done by the mine electrician. Electricians are graduates of the trade training course.

Cost Accountant

The accountant assembles cost figures from mining, refining and maintenance operations and prepares analyses which assist management in making vital decisions. They supervise payment of all money spent by the company, including wages and salaries. Accountants can be trained through special training courses or be graduates from university.

Safety Inspectors

Inspectors regularly visit all parts of the mine a refinery and assist supervisors in correcting any conditions or work habits which might cause accidents. They organize and carry out continuous training programs so that all employees are taught safe working methods. Experience is gained through years of supervisory and safety work.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineers

The mine and the mill contain large amounts of complicated and expensive equipment. The maintenance of the equipment is a vital part of the mining and refinery operation. It is the responsibility of the plant department. The person in charge of this department is usually a mechanical or electrical engineer. Other engineers and technicians assist in the technical supervision and planning maintenance work.

Maintenance includes not only the repair of machinery preventative maintenance to ensure that needed repairs are made before a breakdown can occur. This requires careful study to determine what frequency of preventative maintenance work is needed on each machine and how this work can be arranged to cause the least delay to mine and mill operators. The engineers of the plant are often required to design changes or additions to the surface plant when refining processes are changed or when additional production capacity is needed. As part of this design work, cost estimates are prepared and studies made of alternative methods and equipment types.

Purchasing Agents

As a purchasing agent, you would be responsible for ordering needed equipment from the most economical source, ensuring that it is available at the proper time, and storing it until require.

Employee Relations Personnel

This job involves the person to interview and advise on the selection of personnel needed throughout the company. The person may also represent the management in discussions with workers or their representatives. In many companies, they are responsible for coordination of training programs, public relations, security, and safety. Every mining company places great emphasis on safety in training courses, on the job, and in the planning of new projects. As a result, the mining industry is one of the most advanced in providing safe working conditions.

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