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Minerals and Energy Resources of Saskatchewan

Description Resource - Choose Correct One
composed of compressed plant matter; varying grades depending on sulphur and water content bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
scarce, yellow mineral found in Saskatchewan in minute quantities bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
a mixture of many substances, mainly compounds of carbon and hydrogen, together with varying portions of sulphur bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
a high density (mass per volume) and the highest atomic weight of all naturally occurring elements bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
has strong swelling properties (ability to swell to many times its dry volume when wet) bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
an abundant, crystalline solid found in various locations in the province. bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
easily disaggregated sandstone with a very high percentage of quartz grains. bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
also known as Glauber's salt or mirabilite used for used for detergents, glass and dyes among other things bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
an ideal filler material for paper production; a soft mineral and white in colour when it is fairly pure bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
a mixture of light hydrocarbon molecules bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
a highly variable group of natural materials that are soft, earthy, extremely fine grained, usually plastic when moist bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
discovered at Flin Flon site only because of the quest for gold by early prospectors; not currently mined in Saskatchewan bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
the hardest known mineral bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium
a mixture of red and white crystals with traces of clay and other impurities bentonite, clay, coal, copper-zinc, crude oil, diamond, gold, kaolin, natural gas, potash, salt, silica sand, sodium sulphate, uranium

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