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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Battle River Forts
GPS: 52d 43.09m N 108d 15.37m W 1464 feet
Location: Just southeast of Battleford, only a commemorative plaque remains where this fort once stood. The QTVR file is taken from the riverbank nearby.

Toward the end of the 18th century, the Cree pushed into this region seeking new beaver territory for the increasing fur trade. In 1785, William Holmes built the first trading post near here. The Gregory-McLeod interests moved alongside shortly, but their post was discarded in 1794 upon union with the North West Company.

After 1805, the NorWesters and the Hudson's Bay Company built rival Battle River Forts. The latter company built on the north side of the Saskatchewan River. From 1821, after the companies merged, the new Hudson's Bay Company occupied the old NorWesters site.

Later, the post was moved back to the north side of the Saskatchewan River but in 1876, the post was moved to Telegraph Flat on the south side of the Battle River.

GPS: 52d 43.09m N, 108d 15.37m W, 1464 feet
03 July 96, 3:15 pm, Fuji Velvia 50, F8 1/30s

80k QTVR preview 350x192

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