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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Fort Livingstone
GPS: 51d 54.27m N 101d 57.51m W 2449 feet
Location: 4 kms north of Pelly and 2.5 kms west.

The original headquarters and first post built specifically for the North-West Mounted Police, Fort Livingstone (generally known as Swan River Barracks) was erected in 1874, but not fully occupied until the following spring.

It provided facilities for 185 men and their mounts and included a residence for a stipendary magistrate. The headquarters of the Force were moved to Fort Macleod in 1876, but Fort Livingstone continued as a post until 1878 when it became a substation of Shoal Lake. It was destroyed by a prairie fire in 1884.

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