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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Telegraph Flat
GPS: 52d 42.91m N 108d 18.12m W 1470 feet
Location: 4 kms south of Battleford on #4.

Telegraph Flat was named in 1876 when the Dominion Telegraph Company opened its western terminus office here. That year, the Hudson's Bay Company built a trading post here, and the North-West Mounted Police force established its Saskatchewan district headquarters north of the Battle River. The height south of the flat was selected as the site for the capital of the North-West Territories in 1876 and named Battleford.

In 1877 government offices and a residence for the Lieutenant-Governor were erected. Here in August, 1876, the Saskatchewan Herald, the first Territorial newspaper, started publication. A small settlement developed on the flat, and a townsite was surveyed in 1882.

A gradual move to the north side of the river near the Mounted Police barracks was hastened when Indians burned part of the town during the Rebellion of 1885.

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