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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Moose Mountain - Fort Ellice Trail
GPS: 50d 03.44m N 102d 18.13m W 2108 feet
Location: 27 kms north of Moose Mountain Provincial Park.

One of the most important trails of the nineteenth century crossed here, linking Fort Ellice, at the junction of the Qu'Appelle and Assiniboine Rivers, with Moose Mountains and the plains to the south.

Fur traders used it early in the 1800s to travel the plains, where they hunted buffalo, their principal food after 1873. The North West Mounted Police used it for patrols and in the 1880s, it was used by government surveyors sent out to survey the land in preparation for settlers, and by the incoming settlers as a route to their new homes.

In 1857, the Palliser Expedition, a scientific expedition sponsored by Canada to determine if the plains were suitable for agriculture, followed this trail to examine the coal fields at Roche Percee, 120 kilometres to the southwest.

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