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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Wood Mountain - Fort Qu'Appelle Trail
GPS: 50d 07.69m N 104d 37.36m W 1549 feet
Location: On #6 29 kms south of Regina.

The 250 mile trail linking Wood Mountain with Fort Qu'Appelle passed this site. From about 1850, Indians, hunters, traders, missionaries, Mounted Police and pioneers transported pelts, pemmican and provisions over the length of this trail. From Wood Mountain, the trail ran east to Willow Bunch, northeast over the Dirt Hills, across Moose Jaw and Wascana Creeks to the Hudson's Bay Company fort on the plains and thence north to Fort Qu'Appelle. A cart train normally made the trip in three weeks.

Father Lestang was a regular traveller, ministering to Metis settlements. In 1881, Sitting Bull led his Sioux band this way, seeking sanctuary in the Qu'Appelle Valley.

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