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When people think of Saskatchewan, they think "prairies"; fields of gold that stretch-up against the horizon, and bold, blue skies that seem to continue forever. The prairie is diverse; the soil varies from one area to another -- from rich black soils to the grey-forest soils.

Most people think vistas that seem flawlessly flat and fields that form the patchwork of a quilt. Blue pools of water and meandering rivers and streams break-up the "quilt" over most areas of the southern prairies.

Prairie scenery can be breathtaking. Brilliant mustard and canola wave in the wind and blue flax fields appear as waterways in the distance.

Grain elevators stand like sentinels, signalling the approach of new towns. Sunsets offer light shows of purple, orange and red.

The prairies are rolling hills where you'd least expect them with valleys full of wildflowers, prairie lilies and saskatoons.

The plains and bush are alive with prairie dogs, meadowlarks and white-tailed deer. This year, stop and smell the clover and see the images that have graced a thousand postcards. Visit the prairies.

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