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Saskatchewan's tourism industry has divided the province into eleven distinct travel regions. These geographic regions have their own unique tourist attractions, events and parks -- from regional and provincial parks, common to almost all regions, to national parks, like Prince Albert National Park, located in the Northern Shores Region. So go ahead and hike a leafy aspen trail.

Zip down a monster waterslide. Play a round of mini-golf or try any of the beautiful 9 or 18-hole courses.

Join a "wolf howl" under clear moonlight. Whatever your interests, you can likely satisfy them in Saskatchewan's parks.

With nearly five million acres of Saskatchewan parkland, Mother Nature has plenty of places in which to work her spell on you. Check out all eleven regions (but -- it may take a few years to enjoy all!) You can pick-up a copy of the Saskatchewan Vacation Guide from various tourism offices located throughout Saskatchewan.

At our parks, you can sink that championship putt, watch deer and elk by the roadside, relax at a four-season resort, or pitch your tent near a back country lake and watch the "Northern Lights".

  • Waskesiu
  • Grasslands
  • Moose Mountain
  • Cypress Hills...
Our parks are destinations, summer and winter.

They put you in touch with a simpler, gentler world - a world where the sun shines bright and the deadlines and pressures of ordinary life are far, far away. Try-out a vacation in any region: Horseshoe, Great Trails Getaway, Horizon Country, Prairie Schooner, Heart of Canada's Old Northwest, Land of the LIving Sky, Kelsey Country, Northwest Saskatchewan Calling, or Northern Shore. Sound inviting?

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