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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Buffalo Narrows

GPS: 55d 51.62m N 108d 28.62m W 1333 feet
Location: This QTVR was shot on the dock of Buffalo Narrows Airways in Buffalo Narrows.
Northern Saskatchewan is a mix of forest and lakes, with limited access by roads. Float planes are the only physical links that many communities have to the outside world. Buffalo Narrows can be visited by car or plane. This is excellent moose and bear hunting country. There are plenty of hiking trails the Athabasca Sand Dunes may be viewed for Athabasca Lake.
GPS: 55d 51.62m N, 108d 28.62m W, 1333 feet
05 July 96, 6:15 pm, Fuji Velvia 50, F8 1/125s

71k QTVR preview 300x192

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