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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Scotty Tyrannosaurus Rex

GPS: 49d 23.08m N 108d 29.83m W 2899 feet
Location: This is private land and permission is required from the Eastend Fossil Research Station.

Tyrannosaurus Rex lived from about 90 to 60 million years ago. This carnivorous predator stood over 20 feet tall, up to 50 feet long, and weighed about 5 tons.

With a skull almost five feet in length, and a mouth filled with 6-inch teeth, T-Rex could have swallowed an average-sized person. T-Rex had sharp carnivore teeth up to 12 inches long, eyes which are set in the front of the head for binocular vision, stereoscopic vision for hunting, and also the very well-developed sense of smell.

For the last 65 million years one of the most vicious and feared beasts this planet has ever seen has been hiding in southern Saskatchewan. Witness an animal that would not only consider you part of the food chain, but could swallow you whole!

GPS: 49d 23.08m N, 108d 29.84m W, 2919 feet
05 August 96, 2:10 pm, Fuji Velvia 50, F16 1/60s

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GPS: 49d 23.02m N, 108d 29.89m W, 2876 feet
05 August 96, 3:05 pm, Fuji Velvia 50, F16 1/60s

69k QTVR preview 300x192

Scotty spent the last 65 million in this coulee.
His bones were covered by sediment which formed a hard rock
called "iron-stone" and fossilized his remains forever.

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