The Moon

Our nearest celestial neighbor, the Moon, travels in a circular orbit around our planet. Mankind has travelled to the surface of this world-without-an-atmosphere, and lived to tell us about it. Come along as we initiate the launch sequence.
The Space Shuttle

Like a taxi service into orbit, the Space Shuttle, carries people and payloads beyond Earth's gravitational limits. Witness the amazing technology which not only launches and repairs satellites, but will build the orbiting space stations into the next millenium.
The Solar System

The third rock from the Sun has all of the necessary conditions to support life as we know it, but what about Venus? Mars? Jupiter? and ...
The Universe

For thousands of years astronomers and individuals believed that the Sun revolved around the center of the known universe - the Earth. Today we know that our Solar System and the Milky Way Galaxy are but a tiny grain of sand in the cosmic ocean. Look through telescopes which can see billions of miles away and billions of years ago.