Beef Marketing

Unlike other livestock industries in Canada, there is no marketing agency established for the sale of beef in Canada. Producers can select which ever route of production and sale is best suited to their individual needs. Many producers opt to sell directly to meat packing plants for slaughter. Alternatives include the sale of calves or feeder cattle directly or by auction to finishing operations.

Carcass grading systems are used in Canada to describe quality of the cuts of beef. This carcass grade is considered along with the type and breed of cattle, group size, uniformity and condition of the animals to formulate a price. Cattle prices in Canada are usually influenced by American prices because the border is open to import and export of livestock and there are many more cattle raised in the US. Cattle prices are also dependent upon the cost of feed required to raise them to market weight. Cattle prices are cyclic and do vary throughout the year, being lowest in November and reaching a peak between March and May. Retail prices do not generally follow the same pattern or degree of fluctuation as sales of live animals. Saskatchewan participates in a National Check-Off (monetary deduction on the sale of cattle) for beef producers. Beginning Aug. 1, 1998, a $2 check-off, combining the provincial $1 check-off (which was already being collected) and a $1 national deduction is collected at the point of sale by auction markets, dealers and packing plants, or by livestock inspectors when animals are shipped for export. The deduction is deposited in a fund, managed by a producer committee and used for research and promotion of the beef industry.

The Canadian grading system assigns a Canada or B grade to carcasses from young animals with varying lean meat yields, fat distribution and colour. D grades are assigned to more mature animals. The E grade is reserved for intact males or masculine animals. Masculine animals are discounted because they tend to produce less tender cuts of beef.

GradeMusclingMuscle ColourMarblingFat Amount Colour
Canada 1 good - excellent bright red trace > 4mm white
Canada 2 good - excellent bright red slight > 4mm white
Canada 3 good - excellent bright red small > 4mm white
B1 good - excellent bright red white  
B2 deficient - excellent bright red    yellow
B3 deficient - good bright red    white
B4 deficient - excellent dark red    white - yellow
D1 excellent    > 15mm white
D2 medium - excellent    > 15mm white - yellow
D3 deficient    > 15mm  
D4 deficient - excellent    > 15mm 
E bull/stag carcasses
with pronounced

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