Dairy Marketing

milk cool store

The supply and price of milk in Canada is controlled by a system of supply management which started in the 1970s. The Canadian Milk Supply Management Committee was established to balance milk supply and the demand for diary products. This committee sets a national production target, and then with the Canadian Dairy Commission, allocates quota (a contract to produce a set amount of milk) to each province based on its population.


The Saskatchewan Milk Control Board is the regulatory agency governing the production and marketing of milk and other dairy products within the province. Effective Aug. 1, 1998, fluid milk (including cream) is no longer subjected to retail or wholesale price regulations. The decision, made by the Saskatchewan Milk Control Board, makes Saskatchewan consistent with most other provinces.

The consumption levels of fluid milk, and cheese have remained stable for several years. However, there has been a drop in the consumption of butter and an increase in the consumption levels of yogurt and cream. Changes in consumption may be a result of fluctuating prices or a concern to reduce dietary fat intake.

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