Horse Marketing


Profit generating horse production is limited in Saskatchewan to specialized markets which have been established for the sale of top quality breeding and racing stock. These markets tend to generate the most income, compared to raising horses for meat or pregnant mares urine. Top quality breeding stock is sold based on its pedigree and the successful performance of the animals relatives in the past. Descendants of animals who have been proven to have great athletic ability can be highly valued if there is a chance they may share similar genetic potential.


In addition to breeding stock, foreign markets exist for the sale of horse meat. In countries such as Belgium, horse meat is a highly priced commodity. While its consumption is low in North America, slaughter facilities in Alberta do exist to pool large numbers of animals from western Canada and the United States.

Pregnant mares urine is the one of the most profitable commercially produced products by the horse industry. During gestation, a mares urine becomes elevated in hormones which can be isolated and used as a pharmaceutical for human hormone therapy.

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