Dairy Production

milk products

The dairy industry is primarily based on the sale of milk and cream, although the sale of veal calves, semen, embryos and live animals also contributes to the economy. Fresh milk is a highly nutritious product. Whole milk can be processed to produce fluid milk (whole, 2%, 1%, skim and chocolate), cheese, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese and butter. Milk contains a good balance of protein (3.1%), fat (3.7%), and lactose (4.8%). The remaining 88% of milk is water.


Dairy production in Saskatchewan is on a fairly small scale. Many dairy farmers operate relatively small operations. The most common breed in Saskatchewan is the Holstein, distinctive with its black and white markings.

There are 3 main types of dairy production:

  1. Purebred Breeders
    • operate to breed and raise registered stock for replacement of aging, or non-productive animals
    • use advanced breeding programs incorporating embryo transfer, and artificial insemination to improve milk production and body conformation in the dairy breeds

  2. Fluid Milk Producers
    • commonly use purebred animals
    • are concerned with optimizing the efficiency of milk production per cow

  3. Veal Production
    • Veal calf production is a sideline of dairy production. Because only female cattle produce milk, male animals are raised for breeding purposes or for meat production. The hostile nature of male dairy breeds, and the poorer performance when compared to beef breeds makes slaughter of animals at a young age one of the most profitable options.
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