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Field Trip Report Sheet

Sample #1




l. Describe:

  • soil type:

  • soil moisture:

2. Estimate the age of the trees in the area (years).

3. Estimate the average diameter of the trees 1.3 m above the ground. (This is the diameter at breast height (dbh), a measurement used by foresters.)

4. Was the stand established naturally or was it planted? How can you tell? If the trees started from seed, where did the seed come from?

5. What kind of vegetation, if any, is growing on the forest floor?

Why is it growing there?

How healthy (vigorous) is it?

6. If you see any of the following species in the area, put a check mark beside their names:

Native Tree Species:

  • Deciduous

    __ paper birch

    __ trembling aspen

    __ balsam (black) poplar

    __ Manitoba maple

    __ elm

    __ bur oak

    __ green ash

  • Coniferous

    __ lodgepole pine

    __ balsam fir

    __ white spruce

    __ black spruce

    __ tamarack

    __ jack pine

Introduced or Hybrid Tree Species:

  • Deciduous

    __ Russian olive

    __ mountain ash

    __ acute willow

    __ Siberian crab

    __ hybrid poplar

    __ Siberian elm

    __ chermesini

    __ Siberian larch

    __ Ussurian pear

    __ laurel leafed willow

    __ peach leafed willow

  • Coniferous

    __ Scots pine

    __ Colorado spruce

7. Does there appear to be a problem with tree growth or development? Check the following if observed:

__ mistletoe on jack pine trees

__ canker worms or canker worm damage on aspen trees

__ unhealthy appearance to elm trees

__ leaf miner on birch trees

__ tent caterpillars

Tree Description Sheet

  • Describe two trees. If there are only coniferous or only deciduous trees, do two of the types available.

  • Note all the details you can.

1. Coniferous Tree Species:

a) Describe and draw the needles.

b) Describe the bark.

c) Estimate of tree diameter at 1.3m (dbh) above the ground. cm

d) Estimate of the height of tree.

e) Sketch the fruit (cone).

2. Deciduous Tree Species:

a) Sketch the leaf outline.

b) Describe the bark.

c) Estimate of diameter at 1.3 m (dbh) above the ground.

d) Estimate of height of tree.

e) Is the branching opposite or alternate?

3. Describe the "site" where the trees are growing in terms of:

a) soil (sand, clay, loam, etc.)

b) topography (flat, sloping, hilly, etc.)

c) shade (dense, medium, slight)

d) other details (wet, dry, etc.)

4. Do the trees look healthy?

5. Comment on general observations about the trees:

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