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Forested Lands


Saskatchewan's Ecological Regions


copy of map of Saskatchewan's Ecological Regions


1. Read the story about the spacecraft in the background information.

Ask yourself:

  • Do you think it's possible to tell what the typical year-round weather is in a certain area by looking at the kinds of trees growing there?

  • Why don't we see palm trees growing in northern Saskatchewan?

2. Think about your travels around Saskatchewan. What were some of your first-hand impressions of the province (perhaps of visiting a provincial park, a trip to the family cottage, or flying over the province)?

3. Familiarize yourself with the map of Saskatchewan's ecoregions.

  • Colour the ecoregions or note the coloured map on the screen. The colours should be added to the list of names of ecoregions at the right to create a key. All the Mid-Boreal Uplands ecoregions should be coloured the same colour.

  • Locate where you live on the map and name the ecoregion in which you live.

4. What are the differences in climate that are found between Swift Current and LaRonge (note the changes in average annual temperature and precipitation)?

  • Draw isotherms on the map of Saskatchewan's ecoregions as found in atlases.

5. Discuss the ideas of biological adaptation and tolerance as they relate to the sites where particular tree species might live and grow.


1. Research the climate of Saskatchewan and draw climatic regions on the map used in Activity # 1.

2. Research the soil types found in the province and add data to the map from Activity # 1. Is there any relationship between type of soil and type of forest?

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