Tree Types & Uses
Who Owns the Forest?
Economics & Employment
Industry HISTORY
Technology in Forest
Timber Management
Supplementary Readings


Tree Types and Their Uses

What do paint, sugar, turpentine, explosives and paper have in common? They are all products from Canada's trees. To find out more about the major tree types found in Saskatchewan and their uses, look here.

Who Owns the Forest?

So, you need a cord of wood. Can you just enter the forest and cut down any section of a stand? Find out who really owns Saskatchewan forests and how companies go about 'leasing' the forest.

Economics and Employment

Are you thinking of a career change, or just trying to find that special job ? Check out the number of people in Saskatchewan enjoying employment with the Forest Industry...

Industry History

History of Forestry Image

Travel back in time to the 19th century and experience the forest industry in its beginning stages. Travel into the present and witness the changes in work force as well as in attitude toward this renewable resource.

Technology in the Forest

Satellites ?
Computers ?
Biotechnology ?
Find out how all of these play a role in the forest industry.

Timber Management

Timber Management Image

How do forest managers take inventory of the vast expanse of forests covering the province and how do they manage these areas? Read on...

Supplementary Readings

Learn about the pulp and paper mills, how to make your own paper, be able to define 'silviculture'.... It's all right here.

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