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Looking at Canada's forest industry, three things are evident:
Silviculture addresses these concerns and consists of actions
taken at the level of individual stands to renew and enhance the
forest crop to meet stand management objectives for timber, wildlife,
recreation, landscape design, preservation, and water yield. Silvicultural
practices in Canada have developed in response to local or regional
needs and as a result, are constantly changing and evolving.
Initially, most silvicultural programs were implemented by government
agencies. During the 1980s, the silvicultural contracting industry
expanded rapidly as government programs were privatized. Increasing
emphasis was placed on customizing and designing silvicultural
and forest management programs to forest age-class structures
to ensure continuity of wood flows. By 1990, most surplus allowable
cut in the provinces had been taken up by new industrial expansion.
Although most logging operations are still cutting, and will continue
to cut old-growth virgin timber, the end of this supply is now
approaching. The emphasis of silvicultural practices has shifted from almost total concern over successful regeneration to a more balanced and designed program of regeneration and stand-tending actions, based on pre-harvest silvicultural prescriptions. This shift in emphasis has focused attention to pre-commercial thinning, pruning, tree improvement, commercial thinning, and fertilizing to produce quality stands in the time frame imposed by declining old-growth reserves.
As public concern about the appearance and environmental effects
of clearcutting (the dominant harvesting practice) mount, increasingly
attempts are made in silvicultural prescriptions to use appropriate
alternative harvesting systems that meet multiple land-use constraints
imposed by public demands, the concerns of wildlife, recreation,
and watershed managers, and the mandatory requirement for successful
Basic silvicultural practices are regarded as the minimal performance
needed on public lands to ensure that the new crop of trees will
be as good as or exceed the productivity of the original stand.
Provincial forest service policies seek to assign to each Canadian
generation a limited equity in forest resource property and to
pass it undamaged from generation to generation. Basic silvicultural
practices are seen to satisfy this ethical responsibility.
Following early unsuccessful attempts with large-scale applications
of modified harvesting systems, it became evident that the biological
guidance for successful regeneration must be based on more detailed
study of forest ecology. The approach used has been biophysical
classification, that is, the classification of forest land
on the basis of ground vegetation in relation to a nutrient and
moisture regime matrix. These regimes range from dry to wet and
from poor to rich.
The ecosystems are recognized as operational silvicultural
groups in the nutrient-moisture matrix. The matrices are set up
for large ecoregions or biogeoclimatic zones representing a recognizable
regional relationship between forest cover, climate, and landform.
The units recognized are described in terms of typical forest
types and associated soil-profile characteristics. Management
interpretations, limiting factors, and successional information
are also provided; thus, a biological-classification framework,
based on natural forest conditions, is the basis for silvicultural
practices. Around the classifications are accumulated knowledge
and experience on silvicultural successes and failures and forest-productivity
information. This knowledge base is thus called site-specific.
It has been found to be an essential framework for silvicultural
Silvicultural Systems used in Canada The planned program of silvicultural treatments during the life of a stand is a silvicultural system. The following silvicultural systems are used in Canada.
Each tree and plant species has particular reproduction and growth
strategies and characteristics, and this body of knowledge is
known as the silvics of the tree species.
It is not biologically possible to secure both rapid and abundant
natural regeneration in many Canadian forest associations, even
when silvicultural systems are carefully prescribed. We continue
to harvest large areas of very old over-mature forest that are
often composed of climax species, ill-adapted to rapid
establishment and growth on open cutovers. The extreme age and
high incidence of decay and disease in old forests often mandate
clearcutting. Clearcuts are initially not beautiful and are subject
to much public criticism. Planting such areas is usually required
for prompt regeneration. Large areas of poorly stocked cutovers
of this type have accumulated in the absence of planting. They
are known as backlog and are given high priority for artificial
regeneration treatments. The mechanical preparation of improved
seedbeds, primarily designed to expose mineral soil and remove
vegetative competition, is called scarification. Scarification
treatment is a common component of natural regeneration prescriptions.
All of Canada's forests originally developed from natural regeneration
without human intervention. Fire, blowdown, and insect attack
are the usual agencies for mortality of old timber. The tree species
are adapted to regenerate after these disturbances. Harvesting
of timber results in some critical changes to seedbed conditions
and seed supply that have no natural precedent. Observed conditions for natural regeneration are the basis for silvicultural prescriptions. These prescriptions are designed to provide appropriate seed supply, seedbed, and moisture and vegetative conditions that favor desired tree species. For example, knowing how a forest stand can be made to increase its timber yield is part of a silvicultural prescription. This increase can be achieved by
Ways of changing forest site productivity to increase wood yields can also be part of a prescription for the forest. These include
These ways of increasing wood yield are stand-level actions, that
is, actions taken to change the structure and dynamics of individual
forest stands. Forests are composed of many individual stands,
usually grouped into a forest management unit for planning purposes.
Forest management involves actions at the level of the whole forest
management unit Û protection; forest renewal and stand tending;
determining the size, location, and scheduling of harvests; and
multiple-use planning. Use of Artificial Regeneration The decision to use artificial means to regenerate forests is taken where
Since such circumstances are common, artificial regeneration has
expanded greatly in the 1960-1990 period. Approximately one-third
of current cutovers are planted. Use of artificial regeneration requires the following:
1. Seed supply - Seed collections must be made either from
natural untreated stands, selected natural stands dedicated to
seed production (seed production areas), or plantations of families
of selected trees planted in orchards and subject to irrigation
and fertilizing to induce flower production (first generation
seed orchards). Following cross-pollination between families and
progeny, test seed orchards are rogued to leave orchards composed
of trees of proven genetically superior performance (second generation
seed orchards).
Tree species vary in their seed production patterns and seed storage
and germination requirements. Forest tree seed is usually labeled
by seed zones and location and there are generally rules controlling
the use of seed outside its zone or elevation range.
Forest tree seed is usually stored in large central seed banks
under refrigeration, with enough storage to provide many years
of demand for each species. Some species and seed zones are in
short supply. Large amounts of first-generation seed-orchard seed
will not generally be available until at least the year 2000.
Some species, notably black spruce and jack pine, produce large
quantities of seed in cones stored on trees for many years. Collection
of their cones is easy, and this leads to large reserves of inexpensive
seed in storage. This seed is used in direct seeding, from aircraft
or ground (for example, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles), usually
on scarified cutovers. Direct seeding relies on large quantities
of tree seed, and thus on inexpensive tree seed. For this reason
direct seeding is mainly limited to these two species. Cone collections
are often made from trees felled in logging operations. Access
to cones in standing trees is gained through tree climbing, ladders,
and lifting devices.
Seed collected from different parts of the range of a tree species
is tested for suitability at different locations in provenance
trials. Seed from certain provenances is in short supply. Some
provenances of British Columbia seed, notably Douglas-fir, Sitka
spruce, grand fir, and lodgepole pine, are famous or infamous
in Europe for their superior or inferior characteristics. Historical
lack of control over seed supply and subsequent poor plantation
performance gave rise to the current tight restrictions and government
control on seed collection and storage and allocation on Crown
lands in Canada. 2. Nursery practices - Seedlots of species selected as suitable for specific forested sites are sent to forest nurseries for the production of planting stock. Originally, most planting stock was produced in bare-root nurseries, where the seed was sown on raised beds, covered with protective grit or sand, grown for one or two years, and then either outplanted in the forest, or transplanted in the nursery for a year or two to grow bigger before outplanting.
Currently, most nursery stock is raised in containers in greenhouses
under more controlled temperature and moisture conditions and
is irrigated with standardized nutrient solutions. Container seedlings
grow faster, are more uniform, and are often cheaper to produce;
however, they are often less able to compete after outplanting
than bare-root stock. The stock type is usually ordered and custom
grown one to three years in advance of outplanting. Current Canadian
production is approaching one billion seedlings per year, grown
in government and private nurseries. Much planting stock is held
in cold storage following lifting, then trucked various distances
to planting sites. Over 95% of the production is conifer, two-thirds
pine and spruce species. There is a limited production of poplar
raised from cuttings. 3. Site preparation - Physical disturbance of the forest floor to create improved seedbeds for natural regeneration is called scarification. Site preparation practices are used to make the task of planting easier and to aid plantation survival and growth. The practices consist of
Such site preparation techniques are often essential for plantation establishment on richer sites, that is, very fertile soils prone to rapid brush and grass invasion. There has been rapid development of a wide variety of mechanized site-preparation equipment, aided by the availability and development of specialized prime movers for logging (wheeled skidders, specialized tracked tractors, and new types of forwarders and backhoes).
The use of prescribed burning has expanded rapidly following the
development of fire ignition systems from helicopters and the
scientific calculation of burning indices, slash loadings, and
rates of fire spread. Site-preparation practices are a particular
necessity in Canadian conifer silviculture because of the many
unusable small trees, rotten trees, and non-commercial trees in
the virgin old-growth forests that are being cut today; the need
to improve soil temperatures in northern forests with thick humus
layers; vegetative competition on clearcut areas; and the large
volumes of slash.
4. Planting methods -
Of all the silvicultural practices, the task of planting approximately
a billion trees per year is the least mechanized. Careful planting
on the appropriate microsite is very important; this can really
only be done well by hand, in spite of many expensive attempts
to develop mechanized planting machines. Over a million person
days of work per year are required. Manual planting is a major
source of annual income to the reforestation contracting industry.
Not only must seedlot and species be custom selected for each
planting site, but so must the planting-stock type, that is, its
age, size, and whether it is bare-root or container, and if container,
of what container size and type and whether the type is compatible
with the treatment used. Planting is usually done in early spring following snowmelt and is subject to rigorous quality checks and inspections. Payment is usually on a piecework basis. The work is physically demanding and is usually carried out by young people using tools such as planting mattocks or shovels for bare-root stock or planting tubes for container stock.
5. Vegetation management practices - Experience has shown
that planting must be followed by tending practices to ensure
free-growing trees, that is, trees free enough of competition
and with adequate supply of moisture and nutrients to ensure continued
survival and height growth. Achievement of free-to-grow status
is a mandatory basic silvicultural requirement for licensees on
Crown lands in some provinces. The objective of free-to-grow status
is to ensure a new forest crop of reliable and predictable stand
development, low in risk and with calculable dimensions, product
values, and yields. Vegetation management practices include those of site preparation before and after planting and also following natural regeneration germination. Release of trees from competing vegetation (weeds) uses:
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